15 most beautiful places in Portugal

Favourite places to visit in Portugal

If you’re planning a trip to wonderful Portugal, this list is what you were looking for. Even if you’re not currently planning a trip, it’s always great to learn about new places and appreciate the beauty that Portugal has to offer.

We’ll be showcasing 15 of the best and most worth-visiting places you can find in Portugal. From volcanic craters filled with water, to tidal pools and medieval castles, Portugal has it all. Ready for an adventure? Vamos!

1. Lisbon

lisbon photo spot
What better way to start off this list than by featuring Lisbon, the sunny capital of Portugal? This European city is somewhat underrated compared to other major cities like Paris and London. However, Lisbon has a LOT to offer. Whether you’re on the hunt for some historical sights or just looking for beautiful places to spend your vacation, Lisbon has got you covered.

The Tower of Belem is a must-see destination when visiting Lisbon. The rooftop terrace offers stunning views of the Tagus River while the tower itself is definitely something special and worth visiting.

Lisbon is also known for the winding streets of Alfama’s neighbourhood, open plazas like Praça do Comércio and the marvelous trams. And last but not least, you should definitely try Pasteis do Belem from the original store.

2. Praia da Marinha

praia da marinha cliff
Listed as one of the top 100 beaches in the world, Praia da Marinha is an underrated destination when visiting Portugal. This beach is famous for its amazing rocky cliffs but that’s not all. Overall, it’s a beautiful sandy beach with crystal-clear waters and a lot of activities to enjoy.

You can go swimming at one of the rock pools or caves, snorkeling, sunbathing, and even dolphin-spotting by boat. It’s an excellent choice for a summer day at the beach.

3. Sete Cidades, Azores

sete cidades azores
Azores is an autonomous region of Portugal that you’ve probably heard about them in the past. It’s a group of islands renowned for their natural beauty. There are a lot of places to visit in the Azores but we’ll focus on Sete Cidades for now. Sete Cidades is a volcanic crater filled by two lakes, the Green and the Blue Lake, surrounded by lush vegetation and forests.

Hiking is probably the best activity you can do in Sete Cidades. If you make your way to Vista do Rei, you’ll be able to admire the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean as well as the island’s rugged coastline.

Even though the Azores enjoy warm weather most time of the year, you should come prepared for some heavy rainfalls as they are common on this island.

4. Porto

porto bridge
This is the second-largest city in Portugal and it has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Porto combines a medieval vibe mixed with metropolitan culture and modern amenities, making it an ideal place to explore.

Walk through the cobbled streets, admire the facades of the buildings with the beautiful azulejos (traditional Portuguese tiles), sit on the dock of Ribeira do Porto and enjoy the views of the river Douro with a glass of wine, or visit one of the city’s many bars with wonderful views like 17th Restaurant & Bar. And if you are feeling adventurous, you can even go surfing at Praia de Matosinhos, a beach famous for its strong waves.

5. Estoi

estoi hotel
Portugal is full of hidden gems and Estoi is definitely one of them. Estoi is the typical Algavrian town with whitewashed houses, bougainvillea trees, and the ultimate laid-back vibe everyone’s looking out for.

When visiting Estoi, make sure to pay Palácio do Visconde de Estoi a visit. It’s a 19th-century pink building that was recently renovated and is now used as a luxury hotel. If it fits your budget, we highly recommend it. The Roman Ruins of Milreu are also something you’ll want to see during your visit.

6. 25th April Bridge, Lisbon

25 april bridge
ponto final restaurant
Originally named after Portugal’s dictator, Salazar, this bridge was renamed after the revolution of April 25, 1974, and and was given the name of that historic day. The bridge will remind you to San Fransisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, with the same distinctive color and pretty much the same design too.

The marina next to the bridge is full of bars and restaurants that offer stunning views of the bridge. Restaurante Ponto Final is one of our favourite spots in the area and is worth a visit for a breathtaking sunset with the bridge in the background.

7.  Porto Moniz Tidal Pools, Madeira

porto moniz pool
Porto Moniz is one of the most beautiful towns in Madeira, renowned for its superb Atlantic views. The Tidal Pools are what make this place definitely worth a visit. When North Atlantic waves crash into volcanic walls, pools and bathing areas with warm water are formed.

Get your sunglasses, towel, and swimwear, and go for a swim in these amazing tidal pools. Once you’re done, visit Porto Moniz and eat at one of its many restaurants like Sea View Restaurante. The views are fantastic and the food is delicious. It’s definitely a trip you won’t forget.

8.  Douro Valley

douro valley portugal
The Douro River stretches from Porto across the entire breadth of Portugal. Douro River is very tranquil and peaceful due to the building of many dams across its length. Alongside the river, there are many sweeping hills and vast almond fields. The Douro Valley is famous for its vineyards and exceptional wines.

Therefore, one of the best things you can do when visiting the Douro Valley is to embark on a wine-tasting tour of the local wineries. You may even consider spending a night in one of them, such as Quinta da Pacheca, for a truly immersive experience. There’s also a wonderful wine Museum in Régua if you want to learn more about wine and its production.

9. Aveiro

averio beach house
Many people refer to this place as the “Venice of Portugal” and once you visit Aveiro, you’ll understand why. Aveiro is set along a lagoon and it is full of canals and quays. It also features palm trees and classical architecture.

Some of the best things you can do while in Aveiro is go for a boat ride in a gondola-type boat, explore the museum of religious art and gaze at the wonderful Art Nouveau. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Nova Beach, a lovely sandy beach with colorful houses along its coast.

10. Sagres

sagres drone shot
People visiting this town often say it’s like visiting the end of the world. It’s a town located in Algarve but it stands apart from the rest. First thing to note, Sagres is not as crowded as other towns in Algarve. Surfers, backpackers, digital nomads, and hippies visit this place looking for a laid-back vacation and peaceful lifestyle.

Some of the things you should try in Sagres are, obviously, surfing, swimming and enjoying the beautiful beaches. You can also visit the Cape Saint Vincent, a headland that marks one of the southwesternmost points of Portugal and Europe.

11. Madeira Monte Palace

monte palace madeira
Madeira is full of wonderful places and Monte palace garden is definitely one of them. Located in Funchal, the palace and its gardens enjoy an elevated spot with stunning ocean and island views.

Featuring an impressive collection of exotic plants from all corners of the globe, 2 different galleries and a beautiful fountain, Monte Palace is one of the most visited places in the island.

12. Guimaraes

guimaraes castle
Guimaraes is home to a UNESCO-listed old town and it’s a great choice for those who enjoy medieval architecture. The city that was once the capital of Portugal, is filled with historical buildings and it’s also home to an amazing castle, the 10th-century Guimarães Castle.

If you are in Porto, this is one of the most recommended 1-day trips you can organize since it is just a short 1-hour train ride away.

13. Jerónimos Monastery

jeronimos monastery interior
This monastery, built in the very early 14th century, is a tribute to the famous explorer Vasco da Gama’s trip to India. You really need to visit it in person to grasp the beauty and uniqueness of this place. There are beautiful cloisters with intricate sculptural details and a lot of nautical motifs such as sea monsters, ropes, corals, and more.

A visit to this monastery was a must before sailors would go on a trip. Monks were praying constantly for the sailors to come back and bring goods back with them. Jerónimos Monastery is a beautiful reminder of Portugal during the Age of Discoveries.

14. Cascais

cascais old town
Cascais was originally a small fishing village but now it has evolved into a famous coastal resort with vivid nightlife and lots of tourists. It’s located west of Lisbon and many people choose to flee the capital and spend their summer days here.

Cascais has been the inspiration of many artists and writers and its beauty is also featured in The Conde de Castro Guimares Museum. Go for a swim, enjoy some water sports, visit some bars, and enjoy the cosmopolitan life of Cascais as a whole.

15. Arrábida Natural Park

Arrabida natural park
Located just an hour away from Lisbon, Arrabida natural park is another beautiful place that you must visit when you’re in Portugal. It features some amazing beaches with crystal-clear, Atlantic waters. It is full of natural beauty and landscapes.

There are not many things you can do here other than relax on the amazing beaches. If you’re up for a history lesson, you should visit the Oceanographic Museum.

There you have it! These were 15 of the most beautiful places someone can visit in Portugal.  We featured places from Portugal Continental but also from the Azores and Madeira. Portugal is a perfect choice whether you’re looking for natural beauty or a cosmopolitan lifestyle.
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