The Ultimate Guide to Monte Palace Tropical Garden in Madeira

All you need to know before visiting Monte Palace in Madeira

One of the most well-known and famous attractions in Madeira is the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. But hear us out… It’s not just a garden!

This place is a garden, a museum and a wonderful place to wander, all in one. If plant species and vegetation is your interest, then you should definitely pay a visit. But you’ll also find animals like swans, peacocks and even flamingos. To find what the museum showcases, you’ll have to keep reading. 

Oh and let’s not forget you can take the cable car to get to the Monte Palace, which is a wonderful experience on its own. 

In this article, we’ll give every piece of information you might need when visiting the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. If this place is on your bucket list, keep reading…

Useful information Monte Palace Madeira

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except December 25)
  • Prices: 12,5 euros for an adult and free entrance for children up to 15 years old
  • Duration: Allow at least 2 hours for the visit
  • Location: Monte Palace
  • Tickets: Pay on-site, they accept Cards and euros
  • Need Transport? Check out this tour

How to get to Monte Palace Tropical Garden

There are a few different ways to get to Monte Palace Tropical Garden. You have budget-friendly options, unique options, and more. We’ll explain that now…

Monte Palace Tropical Garden is located in the village of Monte which is extremely close to Funchal, Madeira’s capital.

Your first and most unique option is to get the Cable Car to the garden. The ride is about 15 minutes and you’ll be starting your ride in the old part of Funchal. The cable car leaves you right outside the garden so no walking is necessary.

Other, less exciting options, include to getting there by car. If you have your own car, it will be extremely easy and cheap to get to the garden and there’s also a lot of parking space near the entrance. You can also take a Bolt for 6€, from Funchal Center to Monte. Another choice you have is to book this tour by Tuk Tuk. You’ll be able to see Monte Palace Tropical Garden and other activities like the sleigh ride. Last but not least, for budget-friendly travelers, you can take the bus 22 or 56 from Rua Artur Sousa Pinga that leaves you at the entrance of the garden. It will take around 20 minutes to reach Monte Palace Tropical Garden from Funchal and it’ll cost you around 2 euros.


monte palace building
cable car funchal

Monte Palace Tropical Garden opening times and entrance fee

Monte Palace Tropical Garden is always open… well, almost! There’s only one day the entire year that they stay closed and that’s Christmas Day, December 25th. Therefore, if you plan on visiting the garden, don’t worry about finding it closed, it will be there waiting for you from 9.30 AM till 6 PM every day.

About the entrance fee… The fee is 12,5 euros for an adult and children under the age of 15 enjoy free entrance to the garden. Free entrance is also available to kids that come with their school for a trip as long as it’s organized and booked.

For the moment there is no option to buy the tickets online, it has to be at the kiosk by the entrance, you can pay with euros or card.

monte palace garden

History of the Monte Palace Tropical Garden

In the 18th Century, the English Consul Charles Murray bought the property that was later going to be transformed into the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. But that didn’t happen quite yet…

Charles transformed the property into a beautiful estate called Quinta do Prazer and the wealthiest families of Madeira were housed there for a long time.

Later on, in 1897, the place was bought by Alfredo Guilherme Rodrigues, who turned the property into a wonderful hotel called “Monte Palace Hotel”. And that’s the name’s origin!

When Alfredo died, his family members didn’t pursue the property, and that way the hotel was abandoned… Until, of course, a financial institution named Caixa Económia do Funchal took over.

Fast forward, entrepreneur José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo bought the place, and that way the Monte Palace Tropical Garden was born. Berardo made this place a work of art and opened it to the people. Today, tons of tourists from all around the globe come to admire this beautiful and unique garden.

views monte madeira
monte palace front building
flowers monte

Best time to visit the Monte Palace Tropical Garden

Monte Palace Tropical Garden is always a delight, no matter the time of your visit. That said, there are some things you can take into consideration in order to get the best possible experience from this place.

The best months to visit the garden are from April to August… The flowers have bloomed and the weather is pretty predictable. Ideally, you want dry, warm weather when visiting the garden.

Due to Monte’s altitude, the weather can get rough during the winter. Many friends say that November is also a great month to pay Monte Palace Tropical Garden a visit. Last but not least, don’t be afraid of the rain! Visiting the place with heavy rain say that it is a unique experience.

All in all, spring and summer are the best seasons for visiting the garden but winter can contribute to a great experience as well.

In terms of the best time in the day, you should get the first cable car rides, early in the morning and watch the flowers come to life as the sun goes up. You’ll also avoid the crowds and get a more authentic experience. Be careful because the garden gets very busy on weekends and when the cruises arrive.

garden views
garden views

What to expect at Monte Palace Tropical Garden

Monte Palace Tropical Garden is not just a garden. Flowers and vegetation won’t be the only thing that you’ll be seeing when visiting this place. We recommend that you spend a full morning exploring some of the best attractions, Monte Palace Tropical Garden has to offer. Following is a quick overview of these wonderful attractions…

Thousands of plant species

A huge collection of unique species awaits in the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. You’ll be amazed by the huge variety of plant species in this garden. Some of these plants are Protea from South Africa, azaleas from Belgium, orchids from the Himalayas, heather from Scotland, redwoods from America, acacias from Australia, olive trees from Portugal and so much more. Looking for something different than flowers? 


These species of animals can be found in the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. First of all, are Koi fish which can be found in several ponds all around the garden. These fish are said to be living for hundreds of years.

Other than Koi Fish, you can also see white swans, native to Scandinavia, swimming in the central lake. Peacocks can also be found walking around the garden, bewitching visitors with their astonishing beauty and color palette. Last but not least, in 2004, several species of chicken came to the garden and never left. Today, they have occupied several areas of the garden.

If you are lucky you will also find flamingos in the central lake living in peace and harmony with the swans.


Azul means blue in Portuguese and Azulejos are small tiles, often blue in color, that represent scenes from the history of Portugal. There are war scenes but also social, religious, and cultural scenes.

The garden’s collection is considered to be one of the richest and most rare in Portugal. Some Azulejos go back to the 15th and 16th Centuries! You’ll definitely want to have a look!

Oriental Gardens

A big part of the Monte Palace Tropical Garden is inspired by Chinese and Japanese gardening styles. That’s why you’ll find two stunning oriental gardens, one to the north and one to the south of the park. With these two gardens, they tried to recreate the Asian culture with respect towards nature and symbolic elements. Walking along these gardens, you’ll find lakes with Koi fish, Buddhas, pagodas, dragons, bridges, benches, lanterns, and more. The vibe is unforgettable.

The museum

What more could one ask from a tropical garden, right? Well, this garden also has a three-floor museum, located in the northern part of the garden. Two floors feature “African Passion”, a collection of Zimbabwean sculptures. Throughout the 2 floors, you’ll find more than 1000 different sculptures, dating from 1966 to 1969. The other floor is dedicated to unique minerals and is named “Mother Nature’s Secrets”. The minerals mainly come from Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, Peru, Zambia, Argentina, and North America.

These are the most jaw-dropping and eye-catching attractions that you can find within the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. You’ll definitely need a full morning to visit all of these…

bridge monte
monte brisge

Other things to see around Monte Palace Tropical Garden

Since you’re in Monte, why don’t you visit one or two equally amazing places, located nearby?

Madeira Botanical Garden

By catching the cable car again, you’re able to visit the 2nd garden of the area, the Madeira Botanical Garden. In case you haven’t seen enough flowers and plants by now (we doubt it), there are over 2,000 species in this garden including cactus, orchids, and palm trees.

You should give yourself at least around 4-5 hours to explore both gardens. To get back down, take the cable car back to Monte and reach Funchal quickly and effortlessly. But there’s another way…

Street Sleighs

For 35 euros, you can have 2 Madeirans pushing you down the street with a sleigh. The trip is 2 km and this is the most recognizable picture in Madeira. The service doesn’t work on public holidays and Sundays.

If you’re alone, the fee is 27.5 euros and if you’re traveling with 1 or 2 more people with you, it goes down to 17.5 euros each.

Note it doesn’t go back all the way down to Funchal center, you will need to take a bolt or walk to go back to Monte or Funchal center.

This was the ultimate guide to Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This gem located near Funchal is a must-see when visiting the area. From unique plants and animals to oriental gardens and African sculptures, this garden has it all! And for a small fee, you can experience it for yourself!

Lost Coconuts

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